The film SPIRIT OF THE MOUNTAINS has won several awards at filmfestivals and it´s the only film focusing on the illegal trading with snowleopards in Central Asia.
Some of the footage has been taken by use of concealed cameras. Somewhere between 3500 and 7000 snowleopards are believed to still exist in the wild. But time runs short and the daily trading with skins and parts from snowleopards will one day place the snowleopard on the list for extinct animals.
This is my very private opinion and of course I have no guess whether this will be an reality in 50 or 100 years. But as long as there is a trade going on the numbers of snowleopards will decrease all the time.

For questions of distribution rights, broadcasting etc please contact info@wildlifefilm.com (50 min-2003)

Snowleopard in the wild






Snowleopards cranium



Illegal hunting