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skandinaviens hetaste och mest erfarna produktionsbolag
inom natur- och exploring-films

    VILTSTIGAR är namnet på den bok som filmaren Erik Fernström och...

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    Everything has got an end. And so "Atle" passed away in 2018...

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    My family met Sir John Seerey-Lester with wife Suzie in Sarasota...

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    Enjoy yourself with more than 50 free hunting movies on Youtube....

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    It was an honor to meet David Shepherd in London at the end of...

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    The Iditarod Trail in Alaska is 1049 miles long. It was originally...

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    Again we hunted is Sami-territory in 2017 -at Tossåsen - in Jamtland-in...

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    Another year in Languedoc...every day racing my own Tour de France! With...

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    TRANTRE-78 , 6 men - 1500km along the high mountain range bordering...

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    Yukon, Alaska-79

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    Yukon , Alaska-79

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    TRANTRE-78 , 6 men - 1500km along the high mountain range bordering...

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    Yukon , Alaska-79

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    A Roquefort for breakfast is a bit early-but if you later in...

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    Let us hope, struggle, fight for and admire our environment... Our...

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    ...half of life. Nowadays I do prefer a good old Trail to follow...

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    The GOOD ´OL FRIENDS are the one´s you experience life together...

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    The GORGES DU TARN - and ATLE! The GORGES DU TARN in southern...

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    FRIENDS AND FOES - Once in a while a certain quota of wolfes...

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    WILDLIFEFILM.COM is a classic and renowned filmcompany based...

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    EXCLUSIV PICTURES...to be sold to newspapers and magazines. ...

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    WILD AND EXCLUSIVE - A sobel-in the past worth as much as...

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    THE DIVINE ONE WHO RULES THE MOUNTAINS is one name for a brownbear. The...

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    NOBODY WHO LOVES TO HUNT feels absolutely great when the quarry...

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    WALK LIGHTLY , WALK SLOWLY.. Look straight ahead With the corners...

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    IF I COULD SHOOT A GAME BIRD and still not hurt it , the way...

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    HOW CAN YOU LOVE AN ANIMAL AND KILL IT , and still feel decent? I...

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    A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE....is the best cure for a healthy life..whether...

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    THE MOST MEMORABLE PERSONS in my life was my brother Gustaf (his...

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    THE TRUE FACE OF THE BEAR ( Björnens rätta ansikte) is the only...

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    A TRIPLE ON CAPERCAILLE is extraordinary - and much more valued...

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    FRIENDS- Way back , when there was only one champ at a time I...

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    MASTER OF THE FOREST is the true story about the longlived relationship...

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You see, this is my life and it always will be. There is nothing else, just me, my camera and those fascinating animals out there - wherever they are...
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